Mohabbat Valley

How it Works ?

Mohabbat Valley


Initially, we recommend that you honor yourself with committing to six sessions of coaching. This will be more evident when you are feeling frustrated and like nothing is happening. This is perfectly normal and most often is an indication that you are on the verge of a breakthrough. After that, we can continue on a session-to-session basis. When you decide it is time to end our coaching relationship, please give one session’s notice. This will give us time to capture your learning and strategize for what is next in your life.

Confidentiality and Sharing

Our coaching relationship is completely confidential. You are free to share whatever you choose from our sessions with anyone. We on the other hand will not be telling anyone that you are a client, unless you wish us to, and we will not reveal the content of our coaching sessions to anyone.It is a very powerful tool to simply share what you are learning with others in your life. That alone can help reinforce new insights and skills for you.

In Between

Communication, homework, accountability, sharing successes and roadblocks can all be handled through e-mail. This can be a great tool to keep working your new “muscles”. If you need to call us or WhatsApp us, please do so at regular business hours. You might consider purchasing a notebook to record any notes and thoughts after our sessions to help “lock in” what you are learning.
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